Week before last my company sent me to Jamaica for training. Of course, when they told me I was going, what I really heard was "We're sending you to Jamaica for vacaion". So after long, exhausting days at the office in Jamaica, me and my coworkers spent our weekends and evenings exploring and eating!
While I learned absolutely nothing about my job, I did learn alot about Jamaica...or at least the parts we got to see. So without further ado, I present some random facts I learned about Jamrock!
1. Jamaican money is confusing.

Their dollar is like $85 to $1. When we got there and changed our money I knew I was wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. I turned $100 into like $9,000..and then I realized a pizza is $2,000, a book is $850, and a taxi ride is $1,300! WHOA! Confusing! My $10,000 disappeared like nothing, and I'm still trying to figure out where it went!
P.S. I'm pretty sure we got ripped off by everyone. We were spotted as tourists everywhere we went!
2. In Jamaica, you don't tip people. You give them donations. And everyone expects a donation. The tour guides (who you already paid), the man hitting on you and trying to give you an ugly statue you don't want, the man who gave you a tour of the waterfall and gardens, even the man chillin on the side of the beach and waterfall (taking credit for God's work).
3. Ocho Rios and Montego Bay are the tourist names. They are more affectionately know as Ochie and MoBay by the locals.
4. The fountain of youth can be found in Ochie, aka Fire Wata!

It's a tiny little pool and sulfer spring somewhere in the back of the bush! You can actually light the water on fire...or the gas or whatever...point is you can walk through water that's on fire! Pretty cool! It comes complete with a full body massage by a bonafide rasta, healing of all your bodily problems, and dinner cooked on a rock on top of the fire...and all for just a small donation of course! :)
5. Jamaica's version of potcakes are goats...they're everywhere.

6. Speaking of everywhere...

There were billboards all over the place, for everything from phones to mackeral in tomato soup.
7. I almost died 33,349,238 times in a week riding in taxis going 100 miles an hour up winding mountain roads, overtaking on curves, right next to 1,00,000 foot drops. I thought Bahamians couldn't drive!

This was our limo for the week. ;) We rode in style!
8. The mountains are really high up and Kingston is huge!

You can't tell but all three of us were scared to death in this picture! There's a huge drop right next to us and we were all scared of heights. It really is beautiful though.
9. Nothing compares to floating in fresh water rivers and climbing waterfalls. It was absolute heaven!

10. The word likkle gets used in every conversation, and everytime I hear it laugh a likkle inside and then proceed to use it in every sentence for the rest of the day. I have the worst Jamaican accent ever, and I am only a likkle bit affraid of using it! (Told ya!)
I had a great time in Jamaica! I can't wait to go back!