Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm baaaaaaaack! Missed me? I know, I know...its been TWO WHOLE MONTHS since I last blogged! I bet you thought I was never coming back?

The last two months have been extremely busy for me. They've been full of sewing and crafting (Christmas presents), cooking and baking (cookies, cinnamon rolls, experimenting with new reciptes), spending time with family (Elora came home for Christmas!), and friends (Lydia's back for good!). And every thing I did, I thought of a perfect blog post (with pictures of course) to go with it. But for some reason I just never found the time...I was just too busying enjoying it all.

But don't worry. I'm here to stay. And I'm excited about the future and all the plans I have for it...you'll be hearing about it all over the next year.

I decided not to set any specific resolutions for the year, but to just spend more time doing the stuff I love and, more importantly, the stuff I need. A year from now, I really don't want to be stuck in the same place spiritually as I am now. I want to be able to look back and see how much I've grown, not look around and see what I see now.

To kick off the new year, I celebrated my first anniversary with Daniel. The past year has been one of the best years of my life, maybe THE best! Sure we had our ups an downs, but overrall we've both grown so much.

I think the one thing I've learned the most during our first year is how selfish I am. How much I make things about me, when they really have nothing to do with me at all. And I've been learning to give situations and Daniel over to God. The only thing I can really change is me, so that's what I've been trying to do. I'm sure that's a lesson I'll be learning for a long time.

I've also been trying to me a more practical, organized wife. Daniel is at his best when I am at my best, and my best is when the house is clean, dinner is cooking, and I'm feeeling creative and happy. That's been a huge challenge for me, because I am not and have never been clean or organized. But I'm getting there...just got a LOOOOONG way to go!

What about you? What have you learned over the past year? What are you hoping to learn in the new year?